Friday, June 24, 2011

Tough decisions in book publishing...

Who to mention? Who to leave out? I want to thank the folks who helped me, supported me and believed in me. What about those that 'think' they did, but in actuality had no positive influences at all. I'm in a quandary, don't want to hurt feeling, but also want to be true to myself and my very first book.

I'm nice and sweet like that, most of the time. This is a book, it will be in print for a long time, there's no taking anything back once it is released in early fall. I think I'll cover my ass and be kind, argh! Will I regret it? Doubt it. It just seems lame that I feel I have to please anyone. At least I'm sharing this part with the world, or the few who read my blog. It's my own personal therapy.

On a side note, I went for a walk with my perfect little dog, in my beautiful neighborhood for the millionth time in the last nine years, and I got an off leash dog citation. What a buzz kill! Really? My dog is the dog that sits on every curb, comes whenever I call her, and behaves better than most children. Isn't there a clause or an exception to the law when the animal is well mannered?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Birthday this year...

I celebrated my birthday this weekend and realized not only how lucky I am to be healthy, full of love and surrounded by so many incredible people. But, and this is a big but, not a big 'butt' a big 'but.' This is the year my first book will be published and released. Seems almost unbelievable, though it's true and it's really close. After years and years and years of hard work, determination and sweat, I will see my book in a hard cover and with my name on it.
This is crazy cool! Stay here for news over the next few weeks, hang out with me during the process it takes to get it done, follow along with me for each step I take along the way.
Woot Woot!!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

ESPN Book is released...

The new 700+ page book about ESPN behind the scenes just came out and it's already #5 on the best seller list.
How cool, I was referred to as 'the hot blond.' It's been years since I was a)blond or b)called 'hot.' Awesome!!! If that book gets big, it could really help me when mine is released soon.
Let's keep the energy in sports radio/TV books moving forward, then when mine drops, woot woot! It'll rock the book and sports world.
I am thrilled to have finally finished, now I've got to find a way to make it big so that everyone reads it and it gets some serious play out there in book land.
My goal, crazy as it may seem...1,000,000 copies, oh yeah! Dream big CJ, dream big. The book was a dream and it came true, why not keep the momentum moving forward!!!
Have a fantastic birthday weekend, Father's day weekend.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

derby life...

Great game against my former team CCRD. Love my new league. Why do our bodies have to age when we try so hard to take care of them. I eat right, I exercise OFTEN and I nurture it on a daily basis. But, I'm still getting old and it hurts to get beat up two or three times a week while wearing roller skates. But, how could I ever consider giving up roller derby? Nearly five years later, I can't, so I'll try not to complain too much. Check out my first home bout with my new team on July 2nd in Santa Maria, California. 7pm in the Convention Center. Come support women's full contact roller derby wearing our colors...purple and silver. Cal Skate Roller Derby, like us on Facebook too!
DodgeHer Blue JR42

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Book is soooo close...

Now that the new 700+ ESPN book has been released, mine is next! I'm expecting it to be out early fall with pre-sales coming soon! Rick Neuheisel did a great job on the forward and everything seems to be in line for the book to drop soon. After 22 years, it feels like it's about time. I've had to be patient this long. I can wait a couple more months. Review copies go out next month, then we wait for reviews. Then we print the final and voila, boom it hits the shelves!
I cannot wait. I am proud of the work and now am excited to see what is next for me. Radio, radio where art thou radio? I'm ready to get back on the airwaves and get back in touch with the listeners.