Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Another book signing...Half!!!

Wow, life changing experience last week in Yosemite to the top of the illustrious Half Dome. A granite rock bigger than I have ever seen in person. It was a perfect place to take a deep breath and realize where my life has taken me. Or, I've taken my life. Actually, we do create it, don't we? We manifest and plan our own lives, the good and the bad. We take responsibility for it and for what we've done, who we've been involved with, what we've said and how we've treated ourselves and others. Too deep for you? You can handle it! I'm in a different place today, personally and professionally. Such an unplanned shift for me at this time in my life. When you're questioning your path or journey, why not go hike a rock, climb up some sketchy cables without any equipment; challenging yourself to do something you've never done before, but can and will!!! How strong might you and will you feel when you've completed such a physically brutal task? AMAZING!!! I didn't ever think in my life I'd own my own radio show. I didn't ever think I would be selling it, marketing it, producing it, doing all the research, booking the guests and also, being the host. But, here I am, and I CAN do this. I AM doing this. My intern Scott, who in his own words, "is amazing," said to me recently... "CJ stop stressing, if you build it, they will come!" So, here I go, building it, planning it, creating it, marketing it, selling it...and I will manifest success. I will make it happen. I will get the listeners, I will promote the show and people will "make an appointment to listen." This is what the last 20+ years is all about. This coming Saturday is my final Hard Cover book signing. It takes place in San Luis Obispo, CA. 2-5pm at Chamisal Vineyards. For the first time in my life, I am using everything I have learned and experienced along the way to "create, and make my life, my book and my new show a success!" Yeah for me. Ok, did I admit it yet...I'm a little nervous, I have butterflies in my stomach. If I didn't, then I'd be worried.