Friday, February 7, 2014

CrossFitting at any age...

When I walked into CrossFit Five Cities last spring I had no clue what I was getting myself into. In fact, I was darn right scared out of my mind. I knew nothing about the sport of CrossFit and thought it was just for young and in shape athletes. Don't get me wrong, I'm in shape and I'm an athlete, but I'm far from young. At first, I planned on going once a week to cross train for roller derby. Pretty quickly, after working with Chad Franco, I was in "the box" two times a week. Fast forward six months and I was seen there three times a week, at least. Now, almost a year later, I've even got my roller derby team working out at CrossFit Five Cities. This past weekend I woke up and found myself driving my car to Atascadero CrossFit, and competing in the SLO County Games. A first time beginners competition, set up for those of us that just started practicing the sport. It gave newbies a feel for what CrossFit looks like from a competitive angle. Wow, it was a life changing experience, to say the least. I had a blast, I felt strong, supported and part of something, something different. As competitive as I am in my roller skates, basketball kicks or running shoes, the inner athlete showed up and it was a gnarly adrenaline rush for sure! I finished, I felt accomplished, but more importantly, I'm now hooked on this sport and engulfed in a new community. Anyone, I mean ANYONE can do CrossFit, at any level. As long as you have a quality coaching staff guiding you, and keeping you safe. The family shows up too, the CrossFit family, to cheer you on and encourage you to do and be your best. It's up to you, to dig deep and make it happen. Moral of the story...CrossFit is for everyone and anyone who wants to be fit and healthy! The road to awesomeness begins at a CrossFit box near you, I promise.

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