Tuesday, December 30, 2014

My word for 2015...

Success... My friend Stephanie Paxton Jackson, a health & wellness coach in Washington state suggested picking a word to represent your own personal 2015. I chose this word because I am planning on finding it in all aspects of my life, personal, professional, roller derby, CrossFit, relationships and in the type of friend or family member I plan to be for others. My friend and CrossFit Coach Chad Franco brought up the word "reflection." This I am considering to signify my transition from one year to the next...I say we all reflect on 2014. How have you given back to your world, family, friends, neighbors, community? Let's plan for bigger and better things in 2015, shall we? Most of all...be more present in your life by opening your heart to others in all situations. Life is so beautiful and precious, if we walk through it numb or without feeling, we'll miss many fulfilling times, experiences, feelings, emotions, relationships, friendships, loves, colors, tastes, sounds, blessings, lessons...on and on and on. Cheers to a fantastic 2015; with challenges we become stronger and more versatile, with love we become more full, with an open heart we offer the world 100% of ourselves. Be true, be successful and continue to reflect on who you are and what you want to offer the planet. I will be here walking hand in hand with you, open to hearing about your world anytime, and I assure you, I will share with you along the way as well. Happy New Year, enjoy your personal "Reflection" of 2014 & cheers to "Success" in 2015 and beyond.