Friday, June 17, 2011

ESPN Book is released...

The new 700+ page book about ESPN behind the scenes just came out and it's already #5 on the best seller list.
How cool, I was referred to as 'the hot blond.' It's been years since I was a)blond or b)called 'hot.' Awesome!!! If that book gets big, it could really help me when mine is released soon.
Let's keep the energy in sports radio/TV books moving forward, then when mine drops, woot woot! It'll rock the book and sports world.
I am thrilled to have finally finished, now I've got to find a way to make it big so that everyone reads it and it gets some serious play out there in book land.
My goal, crazy as it may seem...1,000,000 copies, oh yeah! Dream big CJ, dream big. The book was a dream and it came true, why not keep the momentum moving forward!!!
Have a fantastic birthday weekend, Father's day weekend.

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