Friday, June 24, 2011

Tough decisions in book publishing...

Who to mention? Who to leave out? I want to thank the folks who helped me, supported me and believed in me. What about those that 'think' they did, but in actuality had no positive influences at all. I'm in a quandary, don't want to hurt feeling, but also want to be true to myself and my very first book.

I'm nice and sweet like that, most of the time. This is a book, it will be in print for a long time, there's no taking anything back once it is released in early fall. I think I'll cover my ass and be kind, argh! Will I regret it? Doubt it. It just seems lame that I feel I have to please anyone. At least I'm sharing this part with the world, or the few who read my blog. It's my own personal therapy.

On a side note, I went for a walk with my perfect little dog, in my beautiful neighborhood for the millionth time in the last nine years, and I got an off leash dog citation. What a buzz kill! Really? My dog is the dog that sits on every curb, comes whenever I call her, and behaves better than most children. Isn't there a clause or an exception to the law when the animal is well mannered?

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